Monday, 26 June 2023

Video links



Old blog, by Vyi


If you're completely new I'd recommend watching one of these newer 3v3 videos to get an idea of how combat plays out in the current meta.  3v3 whm pov, fairly recent, Struggler was a newish player we were training and he kicked ass  3v3 sam pov, more recent, a good how-to-play a "scoring DD" (you aren't targeted until late/at all because your "hyper" is scary af)  5v5 sch pov, recent

If you can read Japanese then definitely check out Papasz' twitch above, he records just about everything.


Saturday, 24 June 2023

Bounty and Beyond

I think people are questioning the purpose behind the increase to the bounty.  At first glance it does seem ridiculous.  Why offer real money?  What's the point here?  Maybe there isn't any.  Either way, I keep my money...  Right.. ?

Let's imagine a perfect future for it..

One month from posting, a group of serious players forms a team to challenge us.  They fail in their first attempt but understand their weaknesses and regroup. 

Meanwhile, a group of complete newbies decides to give it a try.  They flop hard, but really enjoy the matches and decide to continue fighting.

A third group, comprised of old players with a history of playing ballista, throw down with us and get trunched.  But they won't give up easily.

From here, the teams take turns fighting.. an arms race of ballista power.. competing with each other to reach the pinnacle..  hopefully very interesting to stream/record..  until one team eventually wins. 

Ideally, this leads to a resurgence in real ballista interest.  I'd happily give away 3000$ for that.

But who knows.  Maybe I just throw away 3000$ to some randos and they never play again! 

And I'm happy to take that gamble.