Work in progress


For the purpose of this guide, I'll be focusing specifically on DRK/SAM. 


Example set

Body  Pick any of the lv99 bodies with Attack/Accuracy/R.Attack/R.Acc (+7 or more)/Evasion (+6 or more), HP/MP (+15 or more), and attributes (+3 or more) covers everything.  Byrnie+1 is also a good choice here, but hurts your chances of landing ranged attacks a little.

Feet  Gilt Sabatons (augmented) or Iron Musketeer's Sabatons +2 (augmented).  If you really need to land your bolts, use the Iron Musketeer's.  If you want to survive burst, it's Gilt Sabatons as they have the higher defense.

Ranged  Leo Crossbow+1.  Fastest bow for rook guarding and landing your bolts.

Weapon  The <Lv60 scythes are decent but the best damage one (Vassago's) has the horrible -5% HP on it.  Your best bet is to use a high delay lv99 scythe that has every stat on it.  Delay 528 is the sweet spot for damage sync from my experience.  (I use Aak'ab Scythe but there are probably better ones now. - 2019)  I use Xbalanque now, easy drop and easy augment for ranged accuracy and accuracy.

Rings and earrings  *updated*  DRK is always the target, and as such should never have a "pre-hyper" set.  Best to just run your defense set from the start.   Intruder Earring, Cassie Earring.  Phalanx Ring/Bomb Queen Ring.  Can't go wrong with this setup.

Hands  Best is Ice Gauntlets, but it's a difficult drop.  Protecting Bangles are easy to get and are a very good substitute.  If you can't get either of these, Pallas' Bracelets are fine but not ideal.

Legs  Gilt Cuisses (augmented) are the best.  Lv99 legs with every stat will be good too.

Head  Chaos Burgeonet (AF1).

Neck  Chivalrous Chain (augmented) or Sanctity Necklace.

Belt  I use Potent Belt(augmented).  Any lv99 belt with stats maxed out works well here. 

Grip  Immolation Grip (STR5VIT3) or Potens Grip (STR5DEX5)

Recap of Augmentables:

   Leo Crossbow +1, Gilt Sabatons, Gilt Cuisses,Potent Belt, Chivalrous Chain, Phalanx Rings, Victory Rings



Mog Garden Cheer effect:  Blue Wyvern (STR/DEX4 ACC/RACC4) [or Great Adamantoise (VIT8) if you really want to max out longevity]

Mog house effect:  Bonfire (Resist Paralyze)


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