Job played (vs mirror opponent) Wins Ties Losses Comments
DRG (vs Irvinez) 2W 4L
DRK (vs Teska,Sepia,Fuubar) 3W 2L cycled through dark knights
DRK (vs Forcecia) 2W 3L our WHM dc'd in one of the losses, but them's the breaks. forcecia was nuking.
DRK (vs Apollonrng) 3W 2L
MNK (vs Ryvi) 4W 2L salvo rides agaiiin!
DRG (vs Uruz) 3W 3L uruz gets a measure of revenge
WAR (vs Banneret) 5W 0L =/ sorry banner
SAM (vs Uruz) 4W 1L used GK for first few, then spear. sadly spear was doing way more work..
Pretty average for a while there. WAR has only dropped 1 game in 11 attempts!
I wanted to shed a little light on the current diorama landscape:
Yuzumochiko sets up all the games (thankyouthankyouthankyou) and she only plays WHM so we get a healer-game every time. The few times she's not around we work together to figure out what we'll play, but there's always at least a PLD in those games. The JPs used to play with only DDs and that gets a little stale imo. Ranger is not played often. Maybe once a week we see a pair of rangers in game.
Usually we only play 1 reservation but a good chunk of the players are looking to play a second on most days.. we just normally don't have the players to make it happen.. yet.
Because I have that bloody DMG+2 Daihannya augment, I've always wanted to be stronger with that GK style even though mithra has like 14 STR. An obvious improvement was that potens grip (STR+5) but they're worth about 7mil....
With the help of the recently-returned-to-carbuncle Aya and Yozen, I was able to use the metal chip that had been burning a hole in my mog satchel for years and try the actual fight that drops the grip. yeah, I know, endgame stuff, wtf!
We went in pretty blind as all the wikis out there have limited info on Pyrrha and his cronies. It ended up being fairly easy, the BLM ghrahs could be pulled off with no links, and they were easily silenced. Pyrrha himself was super tanky.. Yozen's well equipped MNK slowly chipped away at him while Aya nuked for great damage with her RDM. My AH-WHM kept Yozen alive. After like 15minutes of pounding on this guy and several near-death experiences, he went down and dropped... some god damn ancient beastcoins. Great, thanks, asshole. Now I have to do this again tomorrow.
I guess I'll update the wikis to tell people how easy it is to do.... well, after we get a few of them and sell them all ;)
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